• Choice of the Hill Country - Since 1975

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About Us

Choice of the Hill Country since 1975

Welcome to Lehmberg Realty online!  Proudly serving the area’s real estate needs for over 45 years, we are full time Texas REALTORS® representing buyers and sellers of Ranches, Homes, Farms, Commercial, River and Recreational properties in Mason and surrounding counties.  We are a 3rd generation, family-owned business which adheres to the philosophy that our clients’ interests should always come first, and that both buyer and seller should be served in a professional and fair manner.

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  *2023 Land Star Award Winner- Top Producer

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Selling the dream for over 45 years, we’re blessed to have helped so many with theirs!

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Give Us A Call at – (325) 347-5360

Farm, Ranch & Acreage Properties

Whether you're looking for a place to settle down or an escape from the rat race, we can help.


Frerich Ranch- 204.5 Acres Kinney County, TX

County: Kinney County / Texas

Land Area: 204.5 Acres

Property Type: Farm & Ranch, Hunting & Recreation, Residential

204.5 Acres near Brackettville Tx.The property is a ranch that has been used for raising sheep. There is a beautiful three bedroom, two and a half bath home on the property as well as...


30 acres | Hickory Grove Rd | Mason, TX

County: Mason

Land Area: 30 Acres

Property Type: Farm & Ranch, Hunting & Recreation

Pretty 30 acres of land located just 2 miles south of Highway 71 between Mason, Llano and Brady. Scenic country with scattered oaks, granite outcrops and hill country views looking out onto Smoothing Iron...


Residential Properties


Frerich Ranch- 204.5 Acres Kinney County, TX

253 Molly Road Brackettville, Texas 78832

Beds: 3Baths: 2.5Sq Ft: 2448

Farm & Ranch, Hunting & Recreation, Residential


Beds: 3Baths: 2.5Sq Ft: 2448

Farm & Ranch, Hunting & Recreation, Residential


Beds: 3Baths: 3.5Sq Ft: 2418



Beds: 3Baths: 3.5Sq Ft: 2418


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Give Us A Call at – (325) 347-5360

Recently Sold Properties

Our Recent Successes

64 acres | County Rd 385 | Fredonia, TX

County Road 385, Fredonia, TX 76842

Farm & Ranch, Hunting & Recreation


Farm & Ranch, Hunting & Recreation

Our Brokers and Agents

Meet the Team

Mark Lehmberg

Mark Lehmberg Broker, ABR , Lehmberg Realty

After 5 years in the corporate world, I discovered I was not the corporate kind nor could I visualize living the best years of my life in Houston, TX traffic. So, in 1980 with a leap of faith I returned to my 5th generation roots in the northwest hill country of Mason County and joined the family real estate firm. There’s something about having roots in the land that stirs and nourishes my soul. This passion has led me to assist others in seeking a connection to land that will hopefully bring them long term peace, prosperity and gratification in sharing benefits of property ownership with family and friends.

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Bruce C. Lehmberg

Bruce C. Lehmberg Broker , Lehmberg Realty

5th generation Mason County native and 1976 graduate of Texas Tech University with a degree in Business Administration. Licensed in 1977 and a broker since 1979, I have 42 years of experience marketing and selling real estate. My extensive knowledge of Mason and surrounding hill country, (history/present culture) combined with with a sound understanding of real estate law, ranching practices, land management, underground water availability, area wildlife, native soils, plants, trees, etc., allow me to offer a high level of service to clients and customers. I contribute my success in real estate to be my faith in God, love of family and a conscientious effort to continually communicate to all parties in a transaction while being faithful and honest in my fiduciary responsibilities.

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Will Lehmberg- ABR, GRI

Will Lehmberg- ABR, GRI Sales Agent , Lehmberg Realty

Full time, accredited real estate associate with over $30 million in sales of ranch, residential and recreational properties. 2006 graduate of Texas Tech University with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and a professional background in sales, marketing, & supply chain.  As a 3rd generation REALTOR® here with deep roots to this land and community, I have the experience, knowledge and passion to  help clients achieve their goals in a real estate transaction.

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Dave Ince-GRI, REALTOR Agent , Lehmberg Realty

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Give Us A Call at – (325) 347-5360